Your Prayers Are Working!!

Thank you to all who responded and wished James well. All your comments are heartfelt and it really, really helps us stay to strong and keep the energy positive. We love hearing your comments!

How You Can Help

1. Think positive thoughts only. If you think the worst, it may reverse the prayer for healing. Erase all worries, fears and doubts.

2. Always affirm the presence of a Higher Power in an area that is temporarily out of balance. Have complete trust that the healing has already taken place by the Grace of God. "Thank you, Lord, for your healing presence." Never take worries into a prayer. Be calm mentally and emotionally.

3. Imagine positive energies and images of James running, walking, talking,laughing, and smoking a cigar - picture him as the vibrant person he is and will continue to be.

4. Truly BELIEVE he is and will be fully healed and be even stronger physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. He is our miracle boy.

A few of our friends mentioned that we should add a donation button for PayPal, so I have created one here. For every donation - no matter how big or small - be reassure that you will recieved a confirmation and gratitude note from James personally as he gets better. This account is under my name as to not further complicate our insurance situation. Bless you all.

Please include your ADDRESS in the comments or shipping section so we have your information. My email is: Layla_Chen @ if you need to reach me.

If you'd like to email James personally, his email is

Dolphin Tours in Waianae

Monday, January 28, 2008

DEJAVU on the Curves of Life

I know on occasion, life throws you a curve or two. And I know that sometimes those curves could be dodge if there were enough warning or caution signs. James met with an uncompromising sharp curve midway down Kaluanui Road between Hawai'i Kai Drive where dozens of accidents were reported and countless incidents went unreported. The trees at that specific turn has been replaced many times trees due to vehicular accidents. This community is real estate to over 400 homes and Kaluanui Road also leads to a hiking trail, so if action isn't taken now, we are just asking for another tragedy to happen. It has been 6 years since the Mariner's Ridge community has expressed their concerns to the city that this sharp curve needs immediate attention but nothing has been done except for a few yellow arrow signs which appears to be too few and too late. If anyone knows how to demand immediate action from the city to get something done, please help me. I wrote to our councilman Charles Djou.

At 2:55pm this afternoon, Charles Djou's office called me to inform me that the community of Mariner's Ridge does NOT vote to put speed bumps or re-engineer the roads. And I was furious on the phone and broke down crying asking if it will take a life in oder for the community to take action.

At 4:15pm, I drove down the hill to go to the bookstore to do research. I really thought I was hallucinating! THERE IS A THREE CAR ACCIDENT AT THE SAME TURN!!! Is it ironic that the very moment I was speaking on the phone that this accident was actually taking place?? Cops were everywhere, so was a fire truck and ambulance. I parked and got out of my car crying and praying that everyone was safe. And they luckily were. Two cars were smashed pretty badly and one car flipped on its side!! The car that flipped was coming from the opposite direction. They MUST do something before it takes a life. And there were people walking their dogs. They could be the next victims! Why must we always wait til life is taken until something gets done?! I am furious. If anyone knows about the incident on Saturday morning with James, please come forward because I have a strong feeling that James was swerving so he wouldn't hit another speeding car from the opposite direction. This is so distraughting. I am so shooked up.


Anonymous said...

Aloha name is Makani I'm James' landlord and roommate. I sent a letter to Charles Djou about my concerns about Kalauinui Rd.

It is graffic, but does get to the point. I'm sorry if I hurt anyone by this letter. Here is how it goes:

My name is Makani Christensen we talked a couple months back on vehicle registration. I need your help! I am concerned about the safety of Kaluanui Road due to recent events (Kaluanui Road is the windy road cresting Mariners Ridge). On Saturday, I witnessed a tragedy that burnt a hole deep into the hearts of many, and must stimulate the county to investigate and provide meaningful solutions in regards to traffic signals, signs, and potentially road bumps on Kaluanui Road, an area plagued with traffic accidents and tragedy.

On Saturday, 26 January 2008, at about 9 a.m. my roommate James said, “I’ll see you later,” as he left for a meeting in Kaneohe. He recently started a business and was eager to meet with his associates. I left about thirty minutes later to find paramedics, police officers, and firefighters crowding around my roommate’s crippled body—his bike about 50 yards away. The site was gruesome! A bright red blood trail about 10 feet long flowed from my roommates lungs onto the sidewalk. He recognized me, but his eyes… his eyes were filled with tears and fear of the unknown. He gasped as he tried to talk to me...

My roommate almost died that morning, and is still recovering. He suffered from multiple broken ribs, a ruptured spleen, punctured lungs, and worst of all a broken spine...

This tragedy is not singular. Today, 28 January, on my way home from work I witnessed the remnants of what looked like a head on collision between two vehicles in exactly the same location as my roommates misfortune. Hopefully no one was injured. I have lived on Mariners Ridge for about 5 months now and have seen many accidents on Kaluanui Road. We need to make Kaluanui Road safer.

I am humbly asking for your help.

Anonymous said...

Hi James, its John Tindle from your old F12 Chandler days!!! Arturo told me about the blog so many thanks goes to him. Just getting caught up on your situation, and am glad to hear your making great strides in your recovery. Know in your heart that I am thinking of you everyday.

PS, why settle for a double cheeseburger when you can have THIS!!!!!


Heal quickly and completely James.

Anonymous said...

James, you are in our thoughts and prayers. I believe we all have guardian angels. Yours have surely been taking care of you!

Take care and God bless.
Ed, Lisa & Amanda Hutchison
Peoria, Arizona

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your surgeries are going well. Your improvements will only keep coming. Keep your head up and know there are many, many people pulling for you.

"Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will."
~ Dr. Robert Anthony

John Tindle
Chandler, AZ

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing good, And that you are on a good road to recovery. I know even thow things are ugly right you will come out of this with flying colors. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday...

First few therapy sessions at Queens